In Travel It is convenient to mark places which it is desirable to visit on a map Google Maps, and then to transfer the marked places on mobile application Maps.Me. Maps.Me Cards are very high quality and, most importantly, work offline, so not once helped me in the travels.
How can I export the labels put in Google Maps (“My Places”) to the mobile application Maps.Me, so that it is convenient to work with the map in offline mode?
- Save the marked (starred places) places in the. zip archive in JSON format:
- Unzip the files and convert the JSON file “Saved places. JSON” into an XML file. KML using the service.
- Send the received file KML Attachem to the mail.
- Open the file on your mobile device. It “catches up” Maps.Me and imports All “My Places” from Google.
- If in the application Maps.Me to click on the imported label and to the point “Edit bookmark”, then a little higher will be a hyperlink “Google Maps Link” and the time of import. When you click on it, you go to the mobile application Google Maps.
And that’s all. 🙂